– Turkish Get-up: 15 minutes

20 Burpees
30 Power Cleans 135/95
40 Double-unders
500m Row

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First off great day today guys. I think a lot of you enjoyed learning the turkish get-up, it is a great movement and really is a great test of fully body strength. Way to push yourselves hard on the met-con today…if you saw people flattened on the floor and you weren’t, that’s fine, intensity is something that is learned for many, it will come. With that said don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t get a workout in 7 minutes, because you sure can. In addition another month has gone by and you guys are all doing an amazing job. Those of you who have been with us since September are really starting to see some big gains in their performance in all aspects of our training, and some of you have been chipping some weight off whether its 5, 15, or 25 pounds we’ve seen some great progress. Awesome work everybody and I’ll see you for another month of hard training starting tomorrow. Cheers.

Working the get-up in the early AM
Kim and Walt working through the power cleans
Power cleans
Tim with a beautiful rack position
The rugby crew working with the tractor tires
– Jade