– Work Your Weakness: 20 minutes

– 3 rounds AQAP: You must rest 2 minutes after each round…cumulative time is still your result
Row 500m
Run 400m

– Good Mornings: 3 sets 20 reps

Post results/thoughts to comments

Everybody, great WOD today…it was awesome to see a big group in at 4:30 with 12 of you all pushing hard. A big shout out to Bob, he repeated the WOD from the first day of the On-Ramp session…in one month he chopped just over 4 minutes off his time, hell yeah Bob. Danielle and Chris signed up today as new members…say hi when you don’t recognize someone. Great work today everybody. Cheers.

Erik and Scott floored after the Met-con
Working through the warm-up
Trevor pulling strong during the WOD
– Jade