– Jump Rope: 10 minutes

– 3 rounds AQAP
5 Muscle-ups
10 Power Clean 135/95
20 Burpees
40 Air Squats

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We had a great crew in the building today, and a solid group for the On-Ramp. Erin and Stefanie signed up today, so say Hi if you see someone you don’t recognize. We worked on jumping rope today, it’s important to get it down, as frustrating as it is, you guys will get the hang of it. The On-ramp group got exposed to the clean today, both with the medball and the barbell, and the daily WOD was our first that included muscle-ups. Everyone worked incredibly hard as usual and did a great job. I got my new camera last night so we will be getting much nicer photos, and many more of them, so check out the facebook page to see them all. Until tomorrow. Cheers.

Julia rocking some med ball cleans in the 5:45 AM
Phillip getting that full extension on the power clean
Trevor working through the pain
Kelly with a nice big kip up into her muscle-up
– Jade