Paleo Challenge Benchmarks:

1) 1 Rep Max Clean

2) Max Handstand Push-ups or Ring Push-ups

3) Max Double-unders in 2 minutes

4) Max Effort 500m Row

Post results/thoughts to comments

I’m still so pumped on the huge class yesterday and things kept right up today with a bunch of people in the gym. I’m pumped to see a bunch of you jump in on the Paleo Challenge. Whether you’re doing the challenge or not these are some great benchmarks to have. We will be redoing the benchmarks on Monday, October 30th, but Paleo Challenge will end on Wednesday, October 5th. There were a bunch of big numbers had today, and PR’s on all sorts of stuff that we haven’t tested in a while. Keep it up guys, hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Cheering each other through the row
We had a big new On-ramp crew start tonight, they did awesome, you’ll see them in classes soon
– Jade