15 minutes to establish Max Shoulder-to-Overhead:

Warm-up accordingly and then 15 and only 15 minutes to establish a max Shoulder-to-Overhead. These are done out of the rack and can be any of the following, Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk

6 rounds for Max reps:
20 seconds Muscle-ups
20 seconds Power Clean 135/95
20 seconds Ball Slams 40/30
60 seconds Rest

After the 6th round rest 3 minutes and then complete

3 minute AMRAP:
10 Air Squats
10 Alternating Jumping Lunges

For results post max load for Shoulder-to-Overhead, and total reps for the met-con, combining the 6 rounds and 3 minute AMRAP.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Nice work today everybody. We saw some big numbers put up on the overhead movements. Tobias got his first muscle-up today, congratulations. While many scoffed at the little itty bitty 3 minute AMRAP, I think all of you found your legs to be jello in those 3 short minutes. Great work everybody. Cheers.

Sorry guys we missed pictures again today…so here’s a great video for you to watch…training, work, life, it all applies
– Jade