– Overhead Squat: 5-5-5-5-5

– 12 minute AMRAP:
3 Muscle-ups
19 Air Squats
42 Double-unders

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Overhead squats are continuing to get better across the board guys, shoulder mobility is getting better and you guys are getting stronger in your core and shoulder girdle. As always people are continuing to push themselves and kill workouts. Newcomer Brad stopped in today from the Burlington Fire Department, he did a great job and hopefully we will be seeing more of him. Our newest On-ramp crew finished tonight, they’ve done a great job and you’ll likely start seeing them in class tomorrow. Awesome work guys, see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Kathy nailing an overhead squat
Ryan with a big PR, hitting 155×5
Allison and Sarah busting out air squats
Berk with an overhead squat, huge improvements in the last couple of months
On-rampers finished…Bob, Emily, Ellie, Emily, Matt, and Catherine…Great job guys
– Jade