Pull-up Practice: 10-15 minutes (spend 10-15 minutes working on any component or type of pull-ups)

5 rounds for Max Reps:
60 seconds Row for Calories
30 seconds Rest
60 seconds Burpee Ball Slam 40/30
30 seconds Rest
60 seconds Abmat Sit-ups
30 seconds Rest

Post results/thoughts to comments

Keep working that kip folks, a bunch of you are stringing your pull-ups together better and better, and some of you are so close to getting your first pull-up. Awesome! When this pops up, if you’ve got kipping pull-ups down use it as a time to work on your strict pull-up strength. Strict pull-up strength is also hugely important and will help with all of your pulling work. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Rich getting down to the ball
Trish putting some heat on the ball
Cranking on the rowers
– Jade