You have 5 minutes to rest in between each of the workouts. WOD #2 is timed in seconds, score for WOD #1 and #3 are in reps. Final score is WOD #2 minus WOD #1 and #3

#1: 2 minutes max reps
Clean and Jerk 135/95

#2: 5-4-3-2-1 AQAP:
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Ring Dips
Box Jumps 36/30

#3: Tabatta Intervals 8×20:10 – Count total reps
Bottom-to-bottom Air Squats (Perform air squat for 20 seconds and then hold in a parallel squat position for 10 seconds)

Post results/thoughts to comments

Wow, did anyone think those 4 minutes of Tabatta squats were going to be so awful, usually they are tough but this time around the hold felt like the work and the squats were the rest. Many of you moved up on the Clean and Jerk weight today which was awesome to see and couple more people made it up to the Rx’d weight and got a decent amount of reps out. Great work today, hope you enjoyed the different workout layout today. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

Kathy and Gillian working the Clean and Jerk
Bars up
Ryan nailing his first muscle-up
– Jade