Handstand Work: 10 minutes (work on anything to do with handstands)

Air Squat Box Jumps: 10-10-10 (do an air squat and as you come out of the air squat perform a box jump. Must be one smooth motion, no stopping anywhere. Adjust height of box each set as needed)

2008 Games WOD # 3 – 5 rounds AQAP
5 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome job today guys. Good work all around. We got a lot of you up into handstands against the wall which for many was completely new. Great job of committing to the movement and getting used to being upside down…a great thing to practice when you’ve got a spare minute at the box. Way to get those lungs burning on the met-con as well, a spicy little meatball it was. Everyone is doing a tremendous job, working hard, pushing themselves, and excelling in every way possible. Cheers.

Warming up…if your not using the foam rollers or lacrosse balls start making it a habit
Zack leaping up on the box
Kim working hard on the deadlifts
Erik picking that weight up
Terri coming out of a burpee
– Jade