1) Pause Back Squats: 8×2

For this exercise use 75% of your 1RM Back Squat. You should descend to the bottom of the squat, hold that position for 5 seconds and then bounce off your calves and drive back to the top. Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

2) 15 minute AMRAP:
200m Run
Max Hang Power Cleans 135/95

In this Met-con you will run and then do a max set of Cleans. Once the barbell is dropped you go back outside for another run. Keep track of your total Cleans. For results post weight used for Back Squats, and total Cleans accumulated in Met-con along with any scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Hope classes went well today everybody. Those back squats seem to be making you all stronger so I hope they all helped today. Should have been a burner of a met-con as well. Wednesday ended with the release of our final workout, a 6 person sled push and pull. The sled is rumored to weigh around 1000lbs, check it out on the Games site. We go to the home depot center tomorrow to check everything out and get briefed on standards. I will try and get some photos up on Facebook tonight. Cheers.

We’re here

 – Jade