Touch and Go Power Cleans: 3-3-3-3-3

For this exercise you may not let go of the bar until your third rep is finished. In addition you may not set the bar down on the floor, they need to be touch and go. All 5 sets should be heavy. Find your 3RM, and think about trying to keep all 5 sets within 80% of that weight. Big hips, a tight back position, and fast elbows are going to be key here.

13 minute AMRAP:
13 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
13 Jump Over the Box 24/20
13 Hand Release Push-ups

For this workout we are looking for unbroken kettlebell swings, if you’re on the verge make the jump to the heavier kettlebell and get through what you can, otherwise we don’t want to see 3, 2, 1, go and you have to break up the first set. Jump Over the Box is just that. You need to full jump over the box. If your fee touch the box at any point it is a no rep. Push-ups focus on staying tight, and remember, in the bottom, knees, quads, and hips should all be off the ground when you release your hands.

For results post heaviest weight attained for Power Cleans, and rounds plus reps, along with any scaling for the met-con.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work on the cleans today. A number of you surprised yourself on your ability to hold onto the bar with some of those heavier weights. Doing this and forcing yourself to hold onto your hook grip is also a great way to stretch how your shoulders, wrists, and triceps to help with that rack/elbow position. Jumping over the box, something new, and something super nerve racking for some of you. All about commitment. We weren’t outside today, and we won’t be tomorrow either. Hope to see lots of you in. Cheers.

Cheri over the box

Heather getting that 53 right overhead
Hannah overhead….we tried to keep it cool in the afternoon, door closed, blinds closed, lights off, and our half ass AC on
– Jade