1) 20 minute AMRAP:
5 Unbroken Chest-to-bars
10 Unbroken Overhead Squats 135/95
20 Unbroken Double-unders

For results post total rounds plus reps along with any scaling.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great job today everybody. In our bleary eyed state this morning we wrote the workout wrong, it was supposed to be 5 Overhead Squats, and 10 Chest-to-bars. Regardless the first class did it as written so we left it that way for everybody. That was a lot of heavy Overhead Squats, great work. Whether you did this workout as an Unbroken workout or not, way to go, it was tough. Doing things Unbroken is a great training tool, especially for those of you who want to become competitive at CrossFit. For something skill oriented like the Double-under it just shows you really how proficient you are at them. For the other two movements it shows you how much rest you actually do or don’t need before hitting a set of a movement. Keep up the awesome work everybody. Cheers.

Paige just finished On-ramp and is doing a great job thus far in classes…nice positioning on your squat Paige
Nan also just recently finished On-ramp and another nice Overhead Squat being had
Maxx fighting for it…solid depth, remember every squat needs to be hip crease below the knee
– Jade