Wendler: Week 1 – Press

12 minute AMRAP:
200m Run
20 Kettlebell Swings 70/53

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today guys. A real lung burner and sweat fest in the intense heat. For a lot of you it was your first time ever bench pressing. Great work. A quick reminder. If you’re Paleo numbers aren’t up by Friday your out of the competition. I will be tallying up the placing’s this weekend, so if you want to be part of it, make sure your numbers are on the white board. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Drink lots of water. Cheers.

Phillip keeping an eye on Matt while he benches
Dani and Kim hitting doing doubles and getting prepped for Regionals next weekend
Kristi swinging her bell
Meg and Charles hitting the bench
– Jade