10 rounds – Complete 1 round every 2 minutes:
5 Squat Snatch 95/65
10 Pull-ups
20 Double-unders

Post fastest and slowest split as result

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody. A number of people scoffed at the board today thinking the workout would be easy, but many found it to be super tough after a few rounds. So many of you did so awesome on the pull-ups using less or no bands, and the snatches continue to get better. Remember, slow and steady wins the race, the olympic lifts aren’t learned over night, so don’t expect them to be learned over night. For those not competing I hope to see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Jo boosting a tuck jump…she has been coming consistently 3 days week for almost a year, and now, in her 60’s is becoming stronger and fitter, her recent trip to the doctor showed lower LDL, higher HDL, better triglycerides and blood pressure from CrossFit and a more grain free diet…what are you doing to prolong your health and longevity
Bill and Charles cranking on the pull-ups
– Jade