125m Rowing Sprint: Every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes

“Elizabeth City”- 5 rounds AQAP:
1 Deadlift 405/275
3 Muscle-ups
9 Box Jumps 36/30

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Wow we saw some ripping fast 500m paces on the rowers today. Way to pull hard and fast everybody. I was also pumped to see so many of you take the assisted muscle-ups we’ve worked on the past couple of months and used them in the met-con. A number of you set up bands so that you could do it. Lastly nice work with some heavy deadlifts. Cheers.

Nancy moving up…using the 12″ box now
Bart working hard to get the bar off the floor
Dani working hard for her muscle-ups
Phil with a big deadlift
New On-ramp crew in for there first class
– Jade