Power Clean: 5-5-5-5-5

Power Cleans should be touch and go. Looking to find a max weight for 5 reps. Make sure all 5 sets are heavy. You can rest in the rack or hang position, but the reps must be touch and go off the floor.

“Annie”- 50-40-30-20-10 – AQAP:
Abmat Sit-ups

Sit-us are butterflied and unanchored. Hands must touch flat on the ground in front of the feet on each rep.

For results post heaviest T&G Power Snatch set and time for “Annie.”

Post results/thoughts to comments

Nice work on the snatches today everybody. For those who have been buckling down and working on your technique and mobility it is paying off huge. Nice work on “Annie” a bunch of you hit it for your first time Rx’d and many of you hit PR’s. Cheers.

Julie and Jordan hammering out some sit-ups
– Jade