5 @ 65% of 1RM
5 @ 70% of 1RM
3 @ 75% of 1RM
3 @ 80% of 1RM
1 @ 85% of 1RM
Max Reps @ 90% of 1RM

If you’ve done this cycle before add 5lbs to each set if your 1RM is under 200lbs, or 10lbs to each set if your 1RM is over 200lbs

5 rounds – 3 minutes each:
250m Row
20 Kettlebell Swings 70/53

Score is total rest time accumulated. Perform the round as quick as possible, the remaining time in your 3 minute round is your rest.

Post results/thoughts to comments

I saw quite a few PR’s today on the deadlift. I know at least a couple of ladies broke the 200lb mark which is awesome. As is often the case the workout was very deceiving. Many thought it looked easy but come the end, the rest was short and the swings were heavy. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I know many of you will be out of town. I also know many of you will be here. I hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Come pour it out before you head off for a day of gluttony and relaxation. Cheers.

Swinging away
Drew getting that kettlebell up
– Jade