– Seated Box Jump: 10-10-10

– Split Jerk Skill Work (Max weight is the bar, work on speed under the bar, foot work, stance, etc): 10 minutes

– 9-6-3 AQAP:
Deadlift 315/205

Post results/thoughts to comments

Big ups on the seated box jumps today. Some of you guys were soaring on those things. Good to see a few of you starting to get muscle-ups as well…you’ll be able to do them in WOD’s pretty soon. Lastly way to lift some heavy weights in a conditioning workout. You guys all killed it in every aspect today, and the split jerks already looked much better than yesterday. It’s great to see some bigger classes, we are growing with just over 50 people now, and hopefully 8-10 new people starting next week. Keep pushing yourselves guys you are all making huge gains. Cheers.

Justin rocking bar muscle-ups as he’s not quite to the rings yet…soon
Louis seated box jump…45″
Big 5:45 class working through the seated box jumps
Bob picking up some weight
Going over the snatch with On-rampers Pat and Ryan

Today’s WOD. Apparently I had music playing in the background and I didn’t license it so the audio is gone, but something for you guys to watch.

– Jade