– Work Your Weakness: 20 minutes

– “DT” 5 rounds AQAP
12 Deadlifts 155/105
9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
6 Push Jerks 155/105

– Sumo Stance Back Squats: 3×20

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great to see so many of you in the gym again today. The On-ramp group continued today at 7:00 PM and did a great job, working on a bunch of new movements and pushing hard through their WOD. Everyone else did an awesome job, re-familiarizing themselves with the hang power clean and push jerk, and pushing hard through “DT.” For those of you competing this weekend I’d like to see you take Friday and Saturday off from the posted WOD…come in and do some light rower work or skill work, but nothing to intense. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

5:45 AM and some hang power cleans
Kim with a push jerk
Sasha with a hang power clean
Ryan with a walking start box jump…50″
5:45 PM working through “DT”…Rick hitting that good hip extension
A little mobility work with the lacrosse balls
On-ramp group…going over the kettlebell swing
– Jade