1) Squat Snatch: 1 Squat Snatch @ 85% of 1RM Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes

Percentages aren’t always perfect. This should be pretty heavy and a Snatch you guys need to make sure you are properly setting up for. If this it too light or too heavy adjust the weight as needed. Warm-up as needed then hit 1 Snatch Every 30 seconds. If you miss a lift don’t try and redo it, wait until the next lift is supposed to happen.

2) “Mary”- 20 minute AMRAP:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Alternating Pistol Squats
15 Pull-ups


“Cindy”- 20 minute AMRAP:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

The goal is to be doing “Mary,” but you should be doing so if you can actually do the workout. If you have to scale all or most of the movements you should be doing “Cindy.” The capacity to do “Cindy” well will help you attain the strength to do “Mary.” These are both benchmarks workouts, so if you want your name on one of the leader boards make sure you are using proper range of motion on all your movements, don’t cheat yourself or the others in class. Below are some basic standards outlined for each movement.

Handstand Push-up – Head to ground and lockout. Only a Yoga mat may be used and hands must be on the Yoga mat. Using an Abmat is not Rx’d
Pistol Squat – Crease of hip below knee, full extension at the top with control. If your foot or hand touch the ground in the bottom that’s a no rep.
Pull-ups – Full extension of the elbow in the bottom, chin over the bar at the top.
Push-ups – Knees stay locked out through the entirety of the movement, butt is up slightly so that your CHEST touches the ground on each rep, elbows locked out at the top.
Air Squat – Crease of the hip below the knee, full extension at the top.

Some thoughts/help for the Pistol Squats
Extra Work:
3) Farmers Walk: 400m
This should be as heavy as possible. Time cap is 10 minutes, if it takes longer your going too heavy.

For results post weight of Snatch and any missed reps along with Rounds and Reps for whichever Met-con you completed. If you did extra work post load and time to complete.

Post results/thoughts to comments
– Jade