1) “Lynne”- 5 rounds AMRAP:
Max Reps Bodyweight Bench Press
Max Reps Strict Pull-ups

We will be benchmarking this workout with strict pull-ups. This isn’t a for time workout, it is a for reps workout. We are going to set a maximum 2 minute rest period between movements. So do one movement rest 2 minutes, do the other, rest 2 minutes, and so on. This workout is going to be treated as a strength session. We are looking for a bare minimum of 5 reps on each movement, so scale as needed.

WOD Demo
2) 12 minute AMRAP:
3 Hang Power Cleans 225/155
12 Toes-to-bar
Extra Work:

3) Pistol Squat Practice: 10-15 minutes

Work on any facet of Pistol Squats, from assisted, to Overhead, etc.

For results post reps for each set of “Lynne” along with weight, and total reps. For Met-con post rounds and reps along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post thoughts.

Post results/thoughts to comments

– Jade