– 10 Minutes to Find Max Height Jump Over

– Weighted Pull-up: 5-5-5

– 10 minute AMRAP
Run 200m
3 Squat Clean 135/95
3 Thrusters 135/95

Post results/thoughts to comments

Everyone did an amazing job today and pushed very hard through what I think was a deceivingly hard WOD. On-ramp crew you are done, thanks for coming, doing a great job, and sticking with it. You guys are ready to come to any of the classes now, I look forward to some more awesome training. October is fast approaching, we’ve had a great month, thanks again to everyone who has been apart of our success thus far. Cheers.

Justin 36″ jump over, he later got 39.5″
Sasha getting over the plates
Chris with some 70lb weighted pull-ups for 5 reps
A little post WOD stretch session
– Jade