Thanks to all of you that came in last Saturday and this Saturday. I hope you all had fun. You all did an awesome job and got a little taste for a what a judged workout was like. I hope we see all of you competing in the CF Open, and hopefully see you sign up for some Regional competitions. You don’t have to be a monster to compete, each and every person at the gym can and should compete.

WOD #1
3 rounds AQAP:
21 Wall Balls 20/14
15 Pull-ups
9 Power Snatch 95/65

WOD #2
5 minute AMRAP:
500m Row
20 Lateral Bar Burpees
Max Squat Clean 135/95

WOD #3
100ft Sled Drag 95/70

Nate hitting some squat cleans
Getting some sled drags on out in the cold
– Jade