Another awesome day of eating until right at the end of the day. Even managed to stay clean at work today which was a big deal. Got home from work and my roommates girlfriend had brought over a huge tub of cookies. Again it was right in front of me and I couldn’t hold back. In fact I ate so much that I started to feel a bit sick. Way, way, way too much sugar. Other non-paleo food for the day was caesar dressing.

12/17/09 Intake
Calories 3676
Fat 197 grams 48%
Carbs 309 grams 34%
Protein 167 grams 18%
Fiber 31 grams
Cholesterol 1812mg

Woke up with a legitimate food hangover this morning. Really was not feeling so good. I was sluggish, tired, not motivated. Just not a good feeling, especially when I know it was caused by food, or sugar for that matter. Knee felt pretty good this morning. Still a little tender to the touch, but movement and ROM felt fine, so I decided to workout. Pretty much my entire posterior chain was cooked from Wednesday’s workout, and my lats were a bit sore as well, guessing from the muscle-up progressions.

For time 15, 14, 13….3, 2, 1
115lb Power Clean
55lb Kettlebell Swing


So this was the workout I programmed as an extended met-con. It certainly was that, and was absolutely brutal. Going in I actually thought my sore lower back and hamstrings were going to be a bit of a problem but thankfully they were not. Puked in the last minute or so of the workout from what I feel was an overly dry mouth. I tried to swallow and couldn’t and I ended up puking. Made sure my burpees all had full correct form push-ups, and I managed to do all of the swings unbroken. Anyway awesome workout, knee was not bothered throughout any of it, and my legs/knees actually feel real springy right now, albeit a bit tired. Interested to see what kind of soreness this creates tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade