Merry Christmas again. My family is European so Christmas is always celebrated on the eve, so that’s what I consider Christmas but I know that’s not the case for many people.

Just got a solid training session in. Feeling strong and pumped with the workout. Another solely strength day today.


DB Lunge: 50×5, 50×5, 50×5, 60×5, 60×5
DB Piston Unilateral Guard Press: 50×5, 50×5, 50×5, 60×5, 60×6

Deadlift: 225×3, 315×3, 335×3, 345×3, 365×3
DB Side Press: 40×3, 50×3, 50×3, 50×3, 50×3

Solid, solid workout. Solid supersets, resting roughly 90 seconds between sets. Rested a little longer between my last couple with the heavy deads. So pumped to rip out 365×3 on my last set. I felt pretty worked but was able to tear the bar of the ground and get to a nice full lockout. Back was definitely badly rounded on the last rep but I felt fine. Last time I did max deads I hit 385 for a PR, I imagine I’ve got to be up around 405 now if I’m pulling 365×3 at the end of my workout. Probably do a CF total in a couple of weeks to see where I’m at. Cheers all and have a great day.

– Jade