So I had my first real legitimate cheat last night. Went to a dinner party and had a good sized chunk of cheddar cheese and a few chocolate chip cookies, along with a couple glasses of red wine. Fortunately it didn’t upset my stomach at all, and I felt fine this morning. I did sleep a bit longer than expected this morning though, so I hit the gym in the evening instead. Feeling pretty good this morning, I’ve got a little shin splint action, and some weird soreness in my entire lower leg area. Nothing too painful, hopefully it just helps strength my legs that much more. Clean eating thus far today.


5 rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats


Super pumped on this workout today. I was expecting to beat my previous time by a good bit as it has been a few months, but I absolutely crushed it, taking 9:05 off my previous time which was 33:55. Couldn’t really ask for much more with the workout. Pumped on the pull-ups, first two sets were completely unbroken, and the last 3 rounds I got at least 12 to start the round. Push-ups and sit-ups were both slow going after the first round, and I almost puked about 3 times, closest was after the workout as my throat was just so dry. Squats were slower than I was hoping for. I could actually still feel some soreness in my quads from the squats that I did Monday night. Powered out the last set of squat 50 straight which really made for a destructive end to the workout. I think I may be coming down with a bit of a head cold. I’ve been waking up in the morning more and more congested for the last few days, and I honestly thought I was going to pass out after the workout. My head was throbbing and I could really feel some serious pressure in my forehead. I feel pretty much fine now, just hoping I don’t actually get anything that slows me down. Looking forward to another solid day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade