Definitely nice to have a rest day yesterday, feeling good this morning. Ate pretty well throughout the day but not great. Worked with some friends training today, and then with a couple members from the Bliss team. I was able to sneak in a little training in between those two sessions. Again my training is still limited because of my knees, can’t really do squats yet without aggravating them.


Power Clean & Split Jerk 1RM: 195lbs

40 yard Sled Walk Backwards 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1
40 yard Sled Walk Forward 165lbs: 1, 1, 1, 1

Training was definitely solid today. PR on my jerk. I hit 185, 190 went up really easy, 195 went up, 200 failed. I was able to power clean the 200 fine, but couldn’t get it overhead. Tried twice and it was nowhere close. Still a 10lb PR. My shoulders are definitely getting stronger. Was playing around afterward and got 2 full HSPU’s unbroken. So I’m definitely getting there. Need to work on my push jerk a little bit, and I need to figure out if I’m stronger with a split jerk or push jerk. Sled walks were great, the reverse ones were murder on my quads. Again the two directions are done as a super set, go one way then turn around and come back. Really hoping these help strengthen my quads and relieve some of my knee pain. Going to hit a WOD tomorrow morning. Cheers.

– Jade