So eating yesterday was great. At least back on track for one day, I just hope it can continue. Non-paleo food was some ketchup and whey protein. I already feel better after one clean day of eating.

12/13/09 Intake
Calories 2304
Fat 127.5 grams 50%
Carbs 92.5 grams 16%
Protein 197 grams 34%
Fiber 31 grams
Cholesterol 1264mg

Shoulders are pretty sore this morning, and unfortunately my left knee is in a lot of pain. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. But it is hurting very badly. I’m going to have to skip training today as I’m relatively immobile. My knees have been hurting the past few days from doing pistol squats, but they felt pretty much fine as of yesterday morning. Now this morning my left one is in a ton of pain. Just below the knee cap is tender. I hope nothing to serious happened, and it is just stressed a bit. Probably going to need to take tomorrow off from training as well.

– Jade