Great day of eating yesterday after my poor intake on Saturday. Non-paleo food was 3 TBSP organic ketchup and 2 TBSP organic caesar dressing.

12/6/09 Intake
Calories 1916
Fat 78 grams 37%
Carbs 118.5 grams 25%
Protein 183 grams 38%
Fiber 28.5 grams
Cholesterol 975mg

My legs are absolutely destroyed this morning. I guess I shouldn’t say my legs all together, but my quads are jello. They are definitely worked. In addition my traps and lower back are pretty worked. All those full cleans definitely take a toll on the lower back and naturally just pulling and holding onto the weight works the traps. As my workouts got kind of screwy last week today was a strength day. The last week I’ve been thinking about how I want to program for the gym. I’ve made what I believe are some good conclusions based on my own training and the WOD and what I think I and it is lacking. I’m going to begin putting together a pretty comprehensive base program for the style of workout on a given day which will be able to be filled in with just about anything.


Weight Pull-ups: 30×6, 30×6, 30×4, 30×4, 30×4
BB Military Press: 95×6, 100×6, 105×4, 115×4, 120×4

Weighted Dips: 30×5, 30×5, 30×5, 30×5, 30×5
BB Hang Power Cleans: 135×5, 135×5, 135×5, 135×5, 135×5

Hanging Leg Raises: 10, 8, 8, 8, 8
Leg Press Calf Raises: 190×15, 190×15, 190×15, 190×15, 190×15

So to start each grouping of exercises was done as a super set, roughly 10 seconds of rest in between exercises to transition, and 90 seconds of rest after each superset. As much as I wanted to stay away from machines I chose to use the leg press for the calf raises as I really like the tension it puts on my calfs. I did these to help with the tendonitis in my calf area which has been in place for over a month from running. Thankfully it is starting to go away. Overall good workout. I worked through it at a steady pace and had some good sets. Happy with my last set of military press as my most recent max was 140, so maybe I’m almost ready to hit 145. Dips definitely felt weak, I think I need to be doing more chest work besides plain old push-ups, whether that means bench, floor presses, preacher push-ups, or weighted push-ups I don’t know but I’m going to work on something. Hang cleans felt a little weak but that was to be expected based on how destroyed my quads and traps were. Stuck with the 135 as I felt it was a decent weight, but by no means was overly difficult, imagine I could have worked with 145-155. Looking forward to a nice rest day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade