CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, January 11th, 2010
So another solid day of eating aside from a little tiny, tiny cheat. I was making cookies at work and had a small, nickel sized ball of dough, oh well. Couldn’t make it 30 days, but I’m hardly worried about 30-40 calories worth of food. Was honestly a little beat after getting out of work today, but I was ready to hit the weights and put up some good numbers. Body was feeling solid and no soreness anywhere.
Back Squat: 185×8, 205×5, 215×8, 225×8
For Time: 15-10-5
40lb DB Hang Power Cleans
40lb DB Thrusters
So to start squats felt pretty good. Not sure what the deal was but my knees were definitely hurting a bit during the squats. Maybe they needed a little more warming up, not sure. They hurt, but not enough to warrant a stop in the squats. First set of squats was definitely easy, seconds set was some work, third and fourth sets were really tough. Barely squeaked out the last rep on the last set. Pretty happy with my weights though, feeling solid and strong. One note I was squatting in a relatively wide stance, not quite Louie Simmons style, but not to far from it. Last time I maxed I hit 285, I’ve got to think that I’ve moved up from that by now. I just programmed in a CF Total day about 2 weeks down the road, so I’m looking forward to seeing where I’m at. I’d like to see 20lbs up on my squat and dead and 5lbs on my press.
Met-con was considerably tougher than I expected. Although short, it absolutely destroyed my arms/shoulders. My legs were not a problem at all, but the rack position with dumbbells versus the barbell is a world’s difference. Absolutely sapped the strength from my shoulders and biceps. Thrusters with dumbbells is just awkward and overall a much harder movement. Not sure why I thought the met-con would be a little longer, but I did. Either way it worked me good, and I’m feeling pretty worked after the workout. I’ve got some death coming from the rower tomorrow so looking forward to that. Cheers.
– Jade
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