A little tired this morning but feeling good. Worked out shortly after work. I’ve made a couple more contacts within the local community who are interested in CrossFit. Been a bit off the paleo wagon the last few days, and I definitely feel it. I’m broke until Friday, so I’m lacking in grocery money. I honestly don’t have any money to buy groceries until Friday, so there may be some more none-paleo intake.


Handstand Push-up: 3″x3, 3″x3, 2″x3, 2″x3, 2″x3

Row 5K

1:51.6 500m Average

Solid training today. I did the low rep HSPU’s to really get an idea of what I can do. The inch measurement stands for the distance from the floor I was going. I used solid iron 45lb plates, first 2 sets I had 3 plates on the ground, last 3 sets had 2 plates on the ground. I think right now I could do 1 full HSPU. Rowing was pretty brutal. 5K was definitely a mental game. I started off a little fast, first 1K I was going at about 1:47, and then it slowly went down. I’d sayd I was going at about a 1:53 pace from 3-4.5K and then picked it up the last 500m to 1:40-1:50. Overall it was definitely pretty brutal, but now I’ve got a good idea of where my rowing is at. My glutes and hams were actually feeling pretty worked during the row, and I could feel my arms getting pretty worked from the pulling. Last note I pulled between a 24-28 strokes per minute pace. Looking forwad to some hard training tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade