Oh my I’m sore today. Chest, traps, abs, and lats are completely destroyed. Legs feel tired as well. That was definitely a killer workout yesterday. Got home from work today and really just didn’t have the gas in the tank to workout. I took a nap hoping that would help, but no dice. Between the hard training and getting back on the paleo wagon my body is just run down. My body is definitely craving carbs/sugar, but I’m going to stay strong and go through this whole process again. Need to stick to it for good this time around. Imagine I’ll have a few more days of this like last time and then the energy levels will start picking up. Because of the crazy soreness and complete lack of energy I decided to skip training today, and get back at it tomorrow. Hoping my energy levels will be a bit better in the morning when I go to workout. Cheers.

– Jade