So definitely good eating yesterday. Non-paleo food was whey protein and some caesar dressing. My carbs were also a little high as I had a bottle of 100″ fruit juice. It was a bolthouse juice, there is nothing in the bottle accept for fruit based items so I’d consider it to be Paleo, but it did have 72 grams of carbs/fructose. I will note that I really wasn’t very hungry and ate under what I should be. Already feel better today after eating well yesterday.

11/29/09 Intake
Calories 1769
Fat 81 grams
Carbs 108.5 grams
Protein 139 grams
Fiber 17.5 grams
Cholesterol 925mg
Still wicked sore this morning. My legs are really hurting and my traps and upper middle back (I guess really my lower traps) are quite sore from yesterday. Feeling solid though overall, and feeling healthy and flushed after a few poor days of diet and exercise. I picked up some quality fish oil yesterday. 1100mg pill and it has 600mg EPA and 240mg DHA, way more then the previous fishoil pill I was taking which I believe was 200/100 per 1000mg pill. As these are much higher concentration I’m going to bring my usage down a bit to 6 pills a day.
WOD: For time
1 Round
   15 x 95lb Push Jerk
   15 x Knee Hold Pull-up
2 Rounds
   15 x 95lb Push Jerk
   15 x Strict Pull-up
2 Rounds
   15 x 95lb Push-Jerk
   15 x Kipping Pull-up
So I had to stray from the original workout. The prescribed WOD was 5 rounds of 15 x 95lb Push Jerk & 15 L-Hold Pull-ups. I can’t really do the L-Hold pull-ups so I decided to do them holding my knees up in a hanging knee raise position. That lasted for one round and I knew I wouldn’t make it, at least at a reasonable pace through 4 more rounds of those. A note to start I got 10 of them unbroken. The next 2 sets I decided to stick to strict pull-ups which started fine, but again slowed to a crawl. I decided to switch to kipping pull-ups the last 2 rounds to keep intensity up. One positive note was that I did every set of Push-Jerk’s Unbroken. Good hard workout and I was pretty floored afterward. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow as my body is pretty worked. I’m going to post a standardized Warm-up in the schedule section and that’s what I’m going to stick to everyday as far as a warm-up goes. Cheers.
– Jade