Woke up feeling awful this morning. Went out last night, had a couple beers, nothing I would normally think would affect me very much, but I felt like complete garbage in the morning, and that feeling stayed around for most of the day. Did a training session with my Dad and a couple of his buddies which went well. Everyone worked hard and did a good job.

Speed Deadlift: 225×3, 3, 3, 3, 3

3 rounds AQAP:
10 Burpee Box Jumps 18″
15 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95lb
20 DB Swings 50lb


Workout went well. The deadlifts were done for lighter weight, approximately 60% 1RM, and for speed, a la Louie Simmons. Goal is to drive the weight up as quickly as possible. Felt strong and powerful on them. Not much else that needs to be said about them. Met-con was good, tougher than expected. Powered through the first round everything unbroken, after that things slowed down considerably. The burpees with the box jumps, were death, and my upper body definitely got worked in the met-con. Solid training session given how crappy I was feeling. Looking forward to a nice day of rest tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade