Didn’t keep track of my eating yesterday, and I ate a lot of poor food, and drank a good bit of beer. School ended yesterday for the semester so it was definitely a party day, which brings poor eating along with it.

Woke up this morning pretty hung over from last night. Haven’t had one of these in a while, which is certainly a good thing, means I haven’t been drinking much at all. My hamstrings are ridiculously sore, I would imagine they are worked from all of the swings. Biceps are pretty worked as well which I think is from all the power cleans that were in the workout. Thankfully my knee was feeling good this morning. It is still bruised and tender a bit, but it isn’t bothering me with my training or general movement at this point. Because of this I felt pretty good about getting a good training session in. I haven’t done any heavy squatting in a while so I decided to do a bit of that today.


Front Squat: 135×5, 185×5, 185×5, 190×5, 195×5

3 rounds for time:
400m Run
20 Bar Dips
40 Sit-ups

No Time

I was really happy with the front squats. Given I haven’t done any heavy squatting in a while and my knee problem over the last week the front squats felt really good. In addition I worked on using my hips a bit more to power through the squat which I definitely felt and was a huge help. Through the sets of front squats I could really feel the use of my hips and how they were helping me get through the movement. Pretty sure my last set was either a PR by 10lbs or a couple of reps. Met-con was good. Worked on the POSE running method on my 400m runs. Dips were tough. They definitely slowed me down a bit, and are a definite weak point. Timer malfunctioned unfortunately. Worked out outside which was an interesting experience considering it was 14 degrees out. My school gym hours are very limited now that I’m on break so I’ll be working out quite a bit in the garage and outside over the coming weeks. Great day of training, and considering my rough night last night I feel great after my workout. Looking forward to another great day of training tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade