Pretty sore this morning after training yesterday. My glutes are quite torn up, lower back is worked from the heavy deads, and my chest and obliques are sore from the respective presses. Feel good though, got a solid nights sleep and felt good about my training, although a bit scared of what I had coming.


AMRAP 20 Minutes
High Pull 135×3
Front Squat 135×6
Deadlift 135×9

11 Rounds

This was a tough workout no doubt. Was really quite scared of it. To start, every set of every exercise was done unbroken so that was good. I can say that I definitely started off too easy. I should have pushed myself harder. I was just worried about burning myself out early on in the workout. While I was certainly pretty worked after the workout, I wasn’t as worked as I should have been. I definitely think I could have pushed an easy 12 rounds if not 13 and maybe 14 rounds. I will say my lower back was screaming throughout the workout. It was hurting badly from the heavy deads yesterday and the deads and high pulls today really lit it up. Still a great workout though and I’m sure I’m going to be feeling it tomorrow. Looking forward to a little FGB tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade