Intake yesterday was great. Non-paleo food was ketchup, and I went out last night and had a few beers. The caloric intake below does not take into account alcohol.

12/4/09 Intake
Calories 2030
Fat 117.5 grams 51%
Carbs 81 grams 16%
Protein 171 grams 33%
Fiber 28.5 grams
Cholesterol 795mg

Felt pretty good overall today. Had to get up early to go do a CPR certification. I was pretty tired afterwards so I came home and passed out for a couple of hours. Woke up feeling pretty good so I decided to go to the gym. Of course once I decided to go to the gym it went downhill. I had diarrhea both before and after working out. Not sure what the deal is but my stomach has definitely been feeling off. I think it might be from the flip-flopping between my two levels of nutrition. Anyway I did get to the gym and had a good workout.

95lb Thrusters


So doing Fran was good. Didn’t get quite the time I was looking for, but I still knocked 53 seconds off my previous time so that’s good. Got through the first set of thrusters unbroken other set were 10/5 and 7/2. All sets of pull-ups were broken. Maybe the hardest I’ve worked in recent memory. I was sitting in the gym for a solid 15 minutes after the workout still huffing and breathing heavy. This evening I was thinking about my training and how little really hard short workouts like this are incorporated. I feel these train your body well for the longer met-cons but not vice versa. I think over the next week I’m going to put a basic programming schedule in place for the future gym that I myself am going to begin using. Anyway good day of training and I was pretty cooked. I am curious whether I would have been a little faster had my stomach not been giving me so much trouble. Cheers.

– Jade