So sore this morning. My entire body is in pain, legs, abs, lats, and chest are particulary sore given the exercises from yesterday. Solid eating today, had some chicken wings which had very minimal breading, but other than that I’ve eaten clean all day. Still pumped on my time yesterday doing barbara. Was kind of looking forward to my training today, and kind of dreading it as well because I knew how hard I can and should be pushing myself. I’ve been reading little snippits here and there from people about the mental aspect of training and it is something I need to work on. Thinking about doing barbara yesterday there were definitely times on both the squats and sit-ups that I could have pushed harder, it was just my head telling me no. This, for me, is something that is also relevenant to my strength days. I typically hit 1, maybe 2 real heavy sets on my strength work, when every set should be super heavy. I think to the Deadlift event in the games when guys were doing 1RM and PRs 30 seconds apart. I need to lift heavier weight more when I do my strength day. I did exactly that today.


Superset 1
Deadlift: 275×10, 275×10, 275×10
Toes-to-bar: 10, 10, 10

Superset 2
Front Squat: 165×8, 165×8
Bench Press: 155×8, 155×8

Training was good today despite how sore I was. I definitely think my soreness held me back a little bit though. Deads and toes-to-bar were awesome. I did exactly what I wanted with the deads, started heavy, and stayed heavy. 275 was definitely a good weight, and it worked me hard, but I probably could have gone a little heavier, but, I haven’t done higher rep sets of deads in a while. I think I could pull 315×10 right now, which I think is pretty good. The front squats and bench press didn’t feel as successful as the first superset. I think this was for two reasons, first I was pretty beat after the first superset sets, and second both my chest and quads were quite sore. Either way, the training session was good. I worked hard, and my body felt pretty beat afterward. Going to try and rest well the rest of the day as I will need it. I may have to take a rest day tomorrow given how sore I am right now. Cheers.

– Jade