So still feeling a little groggy from yesterday but ready to hit it hard in the garage. Shoulders are still a bit sore but otherwise I feel good. Food intake is overall bad again today as there was still some pizza left over in the house from yesterday. Can’t let it go to waste as all my roommates left. Solely a strength day today.


Full Cleans: 135×3, 155×3, 170×3, 185×3, 190×3

Barbell Rows Strict(Non-strict): 155×8, 165×8, 170×8, 170×6(4), 170×5(5)

Ring Dips: 8, 6, 5

Floor Wipers: 135×10, 135×10, 135×10

Training was really solid today. Super happy with my full cleans. Did the first couple sets light and then got into some pretty heavy ones, for me at least. Pumped with my last two sets, almost dumped the weight on a couple of reps, landing a little to far forward but was able to keep it in control, and my legs felt strong considering I was in the very bottom of a squat, as low as I can physically go. Barbell rows were good and I really felt them hammering my lats. Honestly not sure why this movement isn’t included in CrossFit, it’s a great mass builder, and when doing them heavy takes a lot of core support and grip strength. I could also see them being used in a met-con form in a non strict-form where you are using your legs to help get the weight up. Ring Dips felt weak. Tris were worked. I’m curious as to whether my chest/tris have gotten weak with the lack of bench press in my training. I’m going to do a couple sets of bench next time I get into the school gym to see where my chest is at. Floor wipers were solid. It was a little difficult getting the bar into position, but once there the exercise was solid. Worked my abs really well, and my chest a bit to just from the static hold. Looking forward to another solid day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade