Poor, poor, poor eating again yesterday. I wasn’t in a position to keep track/measure/know what I was eating yesterday as I was at a school function yesterday but I can say there was a lot of sugar. I’m really starting to feel the effects of my poor eating this week. Feeling tired, I need naps, not motivated, and generally don’t feel to happy. As I’m feeling these effects I’m really realizing that I need to get back on track with my nutritional intake.

Feeling even more sore this morning. My legs are destroyed and my lats are still feeling really worked. Have been a slug all day but got myself into the gym. Thank god there wasn’t much in the way of leg work/usage today.

BB Military Press Singles: 135, 140, 140, 135, 135
BB Push Press: 155×3, 155×3, 160×3, 165×3, 165×3
BB Push Jerk: 145×5, 150×5, 155×5, 160×5, 165×5

Feeling pretty happy with the weight I pushed around today. Tried 145 for a single but it just wasn’t there. This was a good heavy day though and should really help improve my pushing. I enjoy this workout quite a bit, and think it is a great one for improving shoulder, arm, and core strength. I’d like to do it again in the near future but do so with dumbbells. 15lb PR on the push Jerk sets. I will say my push press felt weak. I think my technique is a little off, going to work on my dip and drive a bit. Eating well so far today, hopefully I can keep it up. Almost done with school thankfully, and looking forward to a few weeks off where I can dump some time into working on the business. Cheers.

– Jade