Went on a bender last night, hurting this morning, but I got up and went straight to the garage to sweat the hangover out and put myself through some pain. Lower back is still pretty sore this morning, and my quads/glutes are feeling a bit worked. Nothing to painful though, my head hurts more then anything.


“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds, 1 Minute At Each Station, 1 Minute Rest After 1 Full Round

40lb DB Overhead Anyway Possible
135lb Deadlift
35lb Kettlebell Swing
Air Squat

Round 1: 116 reps
Round 2: 110 reps
Round 3: 117 reps
Total: 343 reps

This was a brutal workout, and the fact that I was hung-over made it that much worse. Never done this before, as you can see I didn’t to the prescribed “FGB” workout but made up one of my own around what I had available. As I write this I realize the excess the deadlift has been used lately, it has been in each of the last 3 workouts, but I suppose that is the draw of CrossFit to have programming not be normal. Throughout the workout the burpees all stayed around the same count, within a few reps at least. The press and deadlift went down each round, deadlift really dropped off the last round. Swings and air squats were highest my last round as I knew I was almost done and just let everything go. All around awesome workout, hurting at the end, almost puked, and so ready for a day off tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade