Back on the Paleo wagon today. I’ll give my full report for today tomorrow as far as diet goes. My glutes today are incredibly sore. I think as far as my weak squat goes my problem comes from my glutes. I think I have more power in my quads then my glutes at this point, so I’m going to be working a good bit of squatting into my workouts to try and bring up my glute strength.

WOD I was supposed to do today was Eva. This wasn’t happening because my shins are still hurting, and I’m trying to let my hands heal properly so they don’t get torn up so easily again, therefore wanted to skip the kipping pull-ups. So I decided to create my own WOD today.

Warm Up:
3 rounds

PVC Shoulder Dislocations x 5
PVC Overhead Squat x 5
PVC Deadlift x 5
Jumping Pull-up x 5
Push-up x 5
Sit-up x 5

5 rounds for time of

14 Sit-ups
12 8lb Medicine Ball Slams
10 50lb Dumbbell Swings
8 135lb Power Cleans
6 Strict Pull-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
2 275lb Deadlifts


So the workout was pretty rough. Wanted to do a met-con based WOD that had some heavy strength based moves in it. I think I should have gone 315 on the deadlift, but regardless this was an awesome workout which I really enjoyed. The toughest part was the power cleans and then strict pull-ups right afterward. Good workout and I felt considerably better then yesterday.

– Jade