Up pretty early again this morning. Abs are quite sore, back still feels funky, and honestly was a little unsure about doing the WOD I did given the weight that was being moved. Anyway hit the WOD right when I woke up, so no food, about a 12 hour fast. Got some extra glucose in my body yesterday from some sweet potato fries at dinner so I was feeling great in the energy department. Clean eating thus far today, and clean eating all day yesterday.

30 minutes AMRAP:
5 Deadlift 275lbs
13 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps 24″

17 rounds

WOD was absolutely destructive. As I mentioned I was a little worried about doing the heavy deads giving how my back was feeling. Did 5 warm up sets of deads building up to the workout weight, and when I did 275 for a couple reps I just felt weak. I decided to stick with it and figured if I got to a point where I couldn’t pull the weight I’d call time at that point. To my pleasant surprise it wasn’t a problem. Didn’t blast out of the gate too fast, but certainly fast enough, first round was 50 seconds. From there each round got slower until about the 5th or 6th round. After that I was going at a pretty consistent pace of about 2 minutes a round. Finished my 16th round with a little over a minute left, hammered out a 17th round in 60 seconds, with 20 seconds to spare I called it, didn’t want to go on to the deads and hurt myself given how incapacitated I was feeling. Goal was 15 rounds so I beat that which is great. Box jumps were broken from the start. I’ve never done them with a box that high, so I had trouble finding a rhythm. They were more of a stop and go. I’ll get them just need to get used to them a little more. Surprisingly all the deads were unbroken which I was pumped with, the last few rounds were definitely getting tough though. Push-ups were definitely the hardest. After the 6th or 7th round they were broken. Very last set was 6, 2, 2, 2, 1. Chest is definitely going to be hurting tomorrow. Awesome WOD, definitely brutal. I was feeling sick and light headed about 15 minutes after finishing. Got a big meal in afterward, eggs, bacon, and strawberries and felt much better. Looking forward to another solid day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade