Got a solid nights sleep last night. Been a while since I slept a solid 9 hours. Body feels good, chest and tris are a little sore, but nothing serious. Despite solid clean eating yesterday and a good nights sleep I was feeling pretty beat for a good portion of the day. I was eating poorly for the last couple fo weeks, so I think it is going to take my body a few days to get used to the low carbs again. Did motivate myself though and got in a solid training session.


250 Single-unders

“DT” Scaled Down
5 rounds AQAP:
12 Deadlift 115lb
9 Hang Power Cleans 115lb
6 Push Jerk 115lb


Accessory Work:
Glute Bridges: 15, 15, 15

Double-unders: 25

Solid training today. Started with the single-unders first which went well. Got about 150 unbroken to start. Took me 4 or 5 trys to get through all them. Met-con was solid. The prescribed weight for the workout is 155lb, I knew that would be too much though. I did some reps of each movement to warm-up, I got up to 135lb and decided it was a little heavy. Given Jason Khalipa’s time of 6:16 with the prescribed weight I wanted to find myself somewhere around that time so I could get the proper intensity. 115lb was clearly perfect. Deads were nice and easy, and the push-jerks weren’t too bad, the hang power cleans were the hardest by far and really worked my grip. Was a solid met-con with high intensity and I was happy with my performance. Throughout the met-con I really felt the soreness in my tris.Glute bridges were good, made a point to hold each rep at top for a second. Double-unders were awful and extemely frustrating. I couldn’t get more than one. Really need to work on these, going to make a habit of doing 25 or so at the end of every workout as skill work. Going to do mainly accessory recovery work tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade