Intake yesterday was OK. I got invited to a dinner party last minute which I wasn’t going to turn down as it was free food. All went well through dinner, had a little starch but other then that all was paleo. Then a big plate of cookies were busted out and I just couldn’t hold back. This is definitely my problem. I can eat extremely clean and don’t have trouble with it as long as the food isn’t around me, but when it’s right in front of my face I don’t have the self-restraint to hold myself back. So the cookies pretty much through my intake out of wack a bit, not to crazy, but enough so my calories and carbs were both a little high.

12/16/09 Intake
2710 Calories
Fat 112 grams 37%
Carbs 177.5 grams 27%
Protein 235 grams 35%
Fiber 17.5 grams
Cholesterol 1280mg

I didn’t train today as my knee was pretty aggravated after yesterday. Although it does feel considerably better then it did last night it is still hurting. Going to continue ice and heat and hopefully I will be able to train tomorrow.

– Jade