So intake yesterday was great. Maybe a little high but great food. Non-paleo food was ketchup. I’ve been trying to get some of my dietary intake levels into a general range of what Dr. Sears recommended for certain types of food. By all means I’m not zoning, but I have an idea of what I try and eat everyday. The goal is 2lbs of veggies, .75-1lb of fruit (depends on the fruits I’m eating, fructose content based), 1.25lbs of meats, and I fill in some nuts in between typically 2 TBSP of peanut butter and a 1/4 cup of nuts.

12/2/09 Intake
Calories 2351
Fat 127.5 grams 49%
Carbs 118 20%
Protein 186.5 31%
Fiber 38 grams
Cholesterol 1021mg

Was wicked sore this morning. My chest is worked, and my back is destroyed. Funny what such a small volume of workload can do if executed in the proper fashion. If Angie was broken up into rounds it wouldn’t have been nearly as hard. I will say I felt pretty bad this morning. I felt overly tired, and the little lump I had in the back of my throat yesterday, was considerably bigger. I went to class and then the gym in the morning. While in class I wasn’t feeling all there, and a little nauseous. I should have listened to my body there and not gone to the gym. Got to the gym and proceeded through my warm-up where I began feeling worse and worse. I was determined to workout though, and went to do Fran. Got through the first round of Fran and that was it, my body was trembling, not in a good way, and I felt awful. Pretty pissed off as I just want to be healthy and train. Going to take tomorrow off and Saturday if needed until I feel 100%. When I do pop back into the gym I’m going to start with Fran again. Going to try and make a Bikram class this weekend to, to help flush my body out. Popping a few NyQuil and hitting the sack. Good training to everyone.

– Jade