I went down to the local coast guard station to workout this morning. I trained with a guy named Chris who stumbled upon my site while valianty trying to figure out when the hell there would be a CrossFit box in Vermont. It’s great to know that people are out there searching for it, and even finding the info that I am putting out. Super nice guy and it was good to have someone to train with. I imagine we’ll be getting together a few more times before I open CrossFit Vermont, and hopefully he and some of his peers are able to make it over to train.


Olympic Work:
Clean & Jerk: 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 170×3

3 rounds for time:
25 18″ Box Jumps
15 Plyo Push-ups



1 Round Tabatta Abmat Sit-ups
Lowest Interval 11 reps

Solid training today. Pretty happy with my clean and jerks. Getting close to almost hitting my bodyweight for reps. Not much to be said other than that. Probably should have started my work sets a little heavier, but otherwise things were good. So the met-con was shorter than anticipated. Should have done 5 rounds instead of 3. Originally was supposed to have 24″ box but it wasn’t available. Box jumps were fine, plyo push-ups were tough. First two sets I got through fine, but the last set my chest was gassed and they slowed way down. Because the met-con was so short we decided to do 1 Tabatta round of abmat sit-ups. Killed the abs pretty well. Solid day of training overall, and it was super nice to train with another person for once. Looking forward to hitting it again tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade