Wow, definitely sore again today. My calves are super worked from the little bit of calf raises I did. That’s definitely good and hopefully doing those will continue to help with my running induced tendonitis. Lats are cooked, as well as my entire shoulder/trap area. I will say it was a solid workout yesterday based on the overall soreness. Clean eating again yesterday, feeling great, was up early, at least for me based on how late I went to bed last night. The last few weeks all I’ve wanted to do is sleep in, then boom, change the diet around and I’m waking up early without even having to set an alarm, feels so good. Energy levels are still a little low, hopefully another 3-4 days and I’ll be feeling good. Because of my school gym schedule I’m going to be doing a 4 on 2 off this week, going to hit the weights tomorrow, and then take Saturday and Sunday off.


Floor L-Sits: 5 sets for maximum time. Didn’t count roughly 5 seconds each.

Hanging L-Holds: 5 sets for maximum time. Again didn’t keep track, 5-7 seconds each.

Muscle-Up Progression Rings: 5, 5 On tip toes at bottom of dip

Assisted Pistol Squats: 5, 5, 5

CrossFit Football 12/29/2009
225lb Tabatta Deadlift 8 Rounds of 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest

43 reps total

Solid training today. L-sits were damn hard, having never done them before I think it’d be good to give them a wing. Need to work on getting my abs stronger, so I’m going to start working these in more along with strict hanging legs raises and toes-to-bar. Before trying the muscle-up progression I went for a few straight muscle-ups. I was close but couldn’t get them. I was limited with my hanging height so I had to start the movement with my knees bent at 90 degrees, had I had the space to start from a dead hang and get a kip in I think I definitely could have gotten one. Regardless the progressions were good and those super deep rings dips sure are damn hard. I did assisted pistols today instead of straight bodyweight because I didn’t want to screw up my knee again. Last time I did pistols I woke up the next day with some pretty bad pain and bruising on my left knee. I worked on doing them very slow and controlled with some assistance today to see how my knees fair tomorrow morning. Last but not least the Tabatta deadlift was pretty brutal. My first round I wasn’t starting low enough and was definitely pulling a little to much with my hams and lower back. Lower back was on fire by the end of the workout, and I was pretty cooked. The last few rounds I was only able to get like 3 reps out. I got 12 or so the first round, and then it quickly went down from there. Looking forward to doing some snatches tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade