So still quite sore this morning. My hamstrings are still tight and sore and I’ve got some pretty solid shin splints that have made themselves present. Feeling a bit tired this morning, but I think part of that comes from my general state over the last few days. Aside from my training I’ve been doing nothing, I’m on break, so not putting much effort into things other then my training. My programming seems to be going well so far, getting my butt kicked, variety seems good, and I think the large increase in strength work should make a big difference in all facets of my training. Knees both feel great, thankfully that pain seems to be gone, and hopefully isn’t something serious that will be coming back.



Dumbbell Push Jerk: 40×5, 55×5, 60×5, 65×5

One Arm DB Power Snatch: 55×3, 65×3, 75×3


1000m Row
50 45lb Thrusters
30 Pull-ups


Workout felt great all around. To start the jerks were pretty intense. The last heavy set was super tough. So much harder holding the dumbbells overhead opposed to the barbell. My right arm dominance really came out in these. Definitely need to start working in more dumbbell work into the training. Has been quite some time since I’ve done the DB power snatches, I was happy with my weights, and they felt pretty good. I actually could have gone heavier but my grip was holding me back. I could barely hold onto the dumbbell. So I definitely need to start doing some grip work to improve this. I can’t let my lifts be held back by the fact that I can’t hold onto the weight.

Pumped with my Jackie time. Had done it just over 2 months ago and clocked in at 9:11 so I chopped 1:41 off my time. My rowing felt strong, averaged a 1:47 500m, might have been going a little hard but not sure. My thrusters were probably the weakest point. Decided to break them up instead of pushing right to failure and having to take extended rest. I did 20, 10, 10, 10 with about 5-7 seconds rest between sets. Where I did lose time was not starting the thrusters immediately. I should have gotten on them quicker. Pull-ups were stronger then expected I did 10, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2. Overall solid workout, and Jackie completely ripped me up. I really like these short super intense met-cons and feel they are hugely beneficial and not used enough on the main site. Couldn’t believe how worked my shoulders felt afterward. Solid day of training. Cheers.

– Jade