Feeling pretty good this morning. A little tired but not sore and ready to workout. Worked out right when I got up after not eating in about 12 hours.


5 rounds for time:
Barbell Back Squat 205×5
Ring Dips x 5
250m Row


Workout was solid. Definitely tough, the rower really killed me. Last round of rowing I hammered it out at a 1:36 500 time which I think is pretty good. Squats felt good, ring dips were tough. I think I should have upped the reps a bit on each exercise as I did every set unbroken. I think 7 and 7 would have been good for each exercise. The workout definitely killed me though, and I was a little shaky in the legs afterward. Was planning on doing some yoga balance work afterward but my legs were just not in a position to do them. From now on whatever the workout is the met-con is always going to be last. Solid workout and looking forward to more good training tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade